Getting to Paris

So these next few blogs will be about my trip to Paris this Christmas with Baker. I'll start from the beginning. We set out on the 17th, ready to get to France; however, that dream took a little time to reach. After flying from Memphis to North Carolina, the lovely people at US Airways decided they needed to do a little plane maintenance between our flights...a.k.a. delay our flight 2 hours so we'd miss our connecting flight to Paris from Philadelphia. So after about 2 hours of figuring out what the heck we should do, the nice airport lady got us a hotel and dinner for the night and flights for the next morning with a connection in.....GERMANY? Well, that night the hotel decided to serve me food poisoning in the form of bad fried squid. We were fine until around 1 a.m. when the little squiddles decided they wanted to come out and play in the bathroom sink. Imagine thousands of little noodles with squid swimming around in it colored with red wine and topped off with some chocolate in a hotel sink and you've pretty much got the visual picture of what was coming out of the fire hose...i mouth. After Baker asked if he needed to call 911 we enjoyed a peaceful night, courtesy of the nice hotel security man's pepto bismol tablets and crackers. Then we left and went to beautiful Deustchland where we had to find out how to get our tickets from the Lufthansa people. After a sick onion and Camembert sandwich on the plane we set off for Paris. So Bienvenue à Paris, but we have no idea where your bags are...try dealing with that in French...take that noobs!! So, baggage in hand, we set out on the RER (slowest train ever). So we get to the apartment, and we find out Louise, the apartment lady, doesn't work Saturday's...and guess what? It's Saturday! Welcome to life a homeless kid in Paris. Luckily, some random guy got out of the "elevator" (more on that later) and found Louise/our keys. So we got into the 2ftx2ft "elevator" and after 20 min of trying to open the door's 4000 locks, we made it! We've been here a few days now, but that's the story of how we got here! More later on what we're doing.
