And She Danced on Her Wedding Day...

Each time she looks into his eyes, the beauty that gazes back at her pricks her heart. He is breathtaking, absolutely breathtaking. It hurts her so that their love now cannot flourish because neither can pursue the other without compromising their love for the Lord. But when the time comes that their love for the Lord brings them together and she can look into his eyes knowing that despite the passion held in each others embrace, the grip that defines the passion for "Love" Himself comes before anything of themselves. Then and only then can they begin their lifetime journey. She believes that what has begun will be lifelong. She must seek to be one with the One who formed her before she may be one with him. As they seek this, She has no doubt that they will soon find one another. Until then, she will yearn for the day that when she holds him to her chest, she will know that she is holding a reflection of their one true Love.
